
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Wine Bottle Bird-Feeders ~ "The Vineyard"

New this spring at the market and available now in the Etsy shop! 
Click on this link:  Rebecca's Bird Gardens (Etsy)

Carolina Chickadee ~ Tufted Titmouse

Last year I held a class for the Master Gardener chapter that I'm a member of on making bird-feeders utilizing natural sources, recycled materials and re-purposed items. Of course the best bird-feeder is what nature provides: nuts, seeds and fruit from native trees, shrubs and wildflowers (and native insects)... Here's my hand-out for my "bird" talk I give:  Creating a Bird Garden

The DIY wine bottle bird-feeder that I demonstrated involved drilling a couple of holes in a wine bottle. Once you get the hang of drilling through glass, it's a fun feeder to make. Here's the DIY for that feeder:  DIY Wine Bottle Bird-Feeders

This wine bottle feeder requires drilling 4 holes in a wine bottle - which would be very difficult to do without a drill press... 

I love how these feeders have turned out and it seems my backyard birds approve too! ♥

Downy Woodpecker
Tufted Titmouse ~ Carolina Chickadee
Carolina Chickadee ~ Downy Woodpecker
American Goldfinch
White Breasted Nuthatch
Carolina Chickadee ~ Tufted Titmouse